Metro Fundraising and Let’s Go Pledge Drives has been helping schools, sport organizations and PTA/PTO’s for over 25 years. With millions and millions raised we can definitely find the perfect product, idea or drive to help your group be a success this year!
Metro carries all the product fundraising ideas as well as our new online Pledge Drives, Read A Thons and Fit and Fun/Glow Run activity fundraising. With our easy online processing for either our fundraising has never been as easy as now! Metro is also the last company in the state to completely buy, package and deliver ALL items of our famous Holiday Shoppes for elementary kids shopping.
Better prices and local service separate us from those out of state companies who may have a rep here in NJ but ship as far away as Texas and Colorado? From a group of 15 Cheerleaders to a Sr Class Prom or to a School Wide PTA sale we would love to hear from you so please fill out or lead sheet and we can follow up shortly.

Metro School Plan, Inc. has been in the fundraising business for over 25 years.